Sunday, December 23, 2012


meet me wid dagger waitin
ready 2 kill me dey all hatin
cry on funeral wid tears
so many faces m still countin...

waftin alone wid ma eyez open
hustlin thru streets chazin token
haterz tryin hard for da upper hand
dey hate me coz m da 1 chozen

dey all come in many facez
can be seen spyin many placez
no matter show ya no interest
b ready 2 show'em some acez

on streets neva eva reveal ya secrets
coz for dem fella U r da only business
sold their mother for some paper
shakin hands a no no keep a distance

fuck dis shit dey put a devil 2 shame
let U marry their sisters wid juz 1 aim
call ya in their crib 2 chill
leavin ya cold blooded endin ya life game

I know ya at da back of ma hand
ya act so concernd but itz all bland
a peice of sympathy, fuck ya all
coz I use ma gun n U'll b damnd

meet me wid dagger waitin
ready 2 kill me dey all hatin
cry on funeral wid tears
so many faces m still countin...

Friday, December 7, 2012


da bird keeps singin a sad song
a feelin arouzez way too strong
wat dey do dey think iz right
despite effortz it all gone wrong

2 kill animalz u made ruthless gunz
stack dead bodiez countless zillionz
even worse dan da carnivore
gore kill'em all countin millionz

U luv 2 make n keep slavez
tamin man n animalz even da bravez
u neva gave dem freedom
demon dey all sleep in gravez

chidren neva opened their eyez
mother longed 2 hear their criez
who will give justice 2 refugeez
familiez ripped apart everyone diez

people raize da voice against dictator
fuck u can't hurt our spiritz traitor
da more u press da more it boundz
roundz of bulletz can't make u creator

u can't loze until we don't win
sacrifices n blood won't go dim
u can't slave us against will 
evil can't rule we will defeat him

u won't realize till we go insane
fall back itz our mater we'll gain
barrierz broken enemy on da run
freedom iz near even if u r in pain

da bird keeps singin a sad song
a feelin arouzez way too strong
wat dey do dey think iz right
despite effortz it all gone wrong

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Luv Revel

Theze linez I dedicate 2 ma GF, she held n still holds our 7yrs old relationship even in times when I beg borrowed n steal. ma real strength. Thanx in believin me.

I cant b like I use 2 b
widout u I juz cant b me
u change ma level
revel in small things seems like spree

don wanna go out it so hazy
ma gal u slid in bed actin lazy
makin waves unda da sheet
shiit a sea storm surroundin me slowly

wat bt shall I call u ma savior
I was juz a shadow of hate n failure
ur touch was juz like Midas's
either of us know y time cant figure

gal I wanna show u luv like u neva did
take ma everythin bt luv me like a kid
I owe u fo keepin ma heart
art of luv is wat I wanna learn from u in bid

so special u make me feel
wat more can I ask u fo real
I feel no pain of ma past
last thin I prefer iz dyin fo ya wid zeal

yeah ur smile seems like sunshine
even da darkest dayz seems juz fine
in ur absence I can feel ur eyez
rise on me like I rise to catch cloud 9

I cant b like I use 2 b
widout u I juz cant b me
u change ma level
revel in small things seems like spree

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NFG: Name Fame Game

luk at me diz game has got me so far
I cant remembr m at home or bar
I see nuthin bt green
mean so am I juz like an ancient czar

u cant compete me m too hot n famous
u w8 4r decembr ma everyday iz christmas
da day wont be near
fear, az wat I say turnz tru like prophecy of Amos

ma rap battle wont last a minute
u got no words so fuck off pity newt
dose fake ass MCs
RCs bot, I make better muzic even frm spinet

u can find money n weed everywhr u dig
ma lifestyle iz unique blown if u got a swig
dis iz real heaven
even y dont u cum 2 me n marry me Frigg

nite iz long cant spend it in juz 1 club
ma song flowing all nite in every pub
m even richr dan richez
bitches changin everytime I throw a stub

I caught da game by surprize
even pros got nuthin bt criez
once dey dismizz me a failiure
saviour of hip hop, now whrz ma nobel prize?

Monday, November 12, 2012


its been a long time to get back to my normal rhythm

I'll neva quit I'll die tryin
u juz cant live loosin
I plan 2 make history 
gonna succeed till den 
sumday 1day 2day goin...

ha gonna make history sumday
ma senses cant fall apart 2day
ma purpose wont deplete a bit
shit ma confidence keeps growin everyday

still feelin ma courage unda fire
ma own shadow feeln intense dezire
gotta keep on tryin
climbin till dere's no 1 2 say "higher"

I keep on slippn trippn flippn
have 2 start frm whr I came in
HE's really testn me
b ready da devil occupiez withn

dis world seems to me ma enemy
I thankd dem 4 their enmity
fuck it burns ma heart black
juz 2 keep beatn pushin wid energy

I want ma name mentiond in pages 
bt rememberd by every ages
we can die stupid or b martyr
barter ma soul 2b lockd in cage clearn stages

I'll neva quit I'll die tryin
u juz cant live loosin
I plan 2 make history 
gonna succeed till den 
sumday 1day 2day goin...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Self Obsessed Thug

being selfish is one thin bt
neva u thought bout some one else
let'em die, no one matterz 2 u
now u lie helpless hopeless
waiting for some1 to come for yo help

I neva eva came fo ya
I got lot of money bitch so fuck ya
u tell me how da world runs
stupid bitch u betta run ya

yes m selfish self obsessd guy
nobody cared fo mo so y shud I?
ma parents left me homelezz helplezz
now I've fame n money 2 keep me high

luk at da cars, clothes chopper
its all diamond n gold not copper
now world iz jealuz juz like I used 2
Itz I who pickd u up bitch pauper

M happy da way I are goin
U go, oders waitin 2 come in
I need no one 2 care for me
even if He wantz, can't do nuthin

ma gun flashez like a thundr
itz ma ticket 2 create blundr
U insist, I can fix yo meetin wid God
so betta fuck off m layin down undr....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Friendship

U find this shit here n dere
dere're frnds n dere're frnds who r dear
u betray me coz u like ma gal
I give u ma life bt u dont care

we were homies back'em comin
I never hoped we end dis way hatin
wen U laughd I laughd u cried I cried
everythin except ma mom we relatin

u thought me how to survive dese streets
we fought together till our enemy retreats
we drink till we gone down act low
ma money yo money dere were no discreets

togeder went to the strip club n u shouted fuck
saw batman's last movie I cried u said suck
it was like yestaday we flirted a bar gal
her despo man juz wanna ram us wid truck

I told ya dat gal was mine u neva complaind
y neva told me u watchin her juz unashamd
u told I was ruinin ma life wid her tearin us apart
now I know da truth our friendship lie shatterd

tell me now u hate me bt I hate ya
I neva wanted dis way niether do ya
ma life restless ma heart a volcano
filld wid anger Its da same story wid ya

U find dis shit here n dere
dere're frnds n dere're frnds who r dear
u betray me coz u like ma gal
I give u ma life bt u dont care


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Magic Pill

I wanted luv I got fucked up
I wanted life I got sucked up
Life ain't so hard but who wants it soft
dis magic pill keeps me hooked up...
wen I first tasted i felt wasted
wat da f y it was created
life has taken shit out of me
but I still dont wanna look like m hated...
it juz luk like an ordinary pill
it had so much poison 2 kill
i juz wanna know y da world crazy for it
common juz let da beans spill...
ma mind creatin illusions uncanny
i act low people feelin m funny
i cant walk a straight line
ma vision blurry ma damn nose, runny...
fuck it da more I hate it
I dunno da more I want it
da more pretend normal more abnormal feelin
yes yes I can kill for dis shit...
ma homiez call me addicted
ma social life aint gud feel restricted
next I was spotted lyin on streets
I die eveyday how many times? no one noted...

I wanted luv I got fucked up
I wanted life I got sucked up
Life ain't so hard but who wants it soft
dis magic pill keeps me hooked up...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

my style

Its been a couple of years only
but seems like yesterday only
I happened to be a shy guy
but now I've live among wifi
I ran away coz u made fun of me
u r runnin now as u dont want me
I aint yo typical neighbahood boy
I fuck galz n I dont play wid toy
u alwaz tried pushin me around
now when I pushd u went undaground
I aint sayin m sum foolish bully 
bt I tryna handle situations cool-ly
ma hat never runs outta surprisez
my style is unique I don do revisez
how stupid u lost yo virginity to a fool
n u see me u think of drownin in da pool
I know wat u do to find inner happiness
u cant kill people juz for ur craziness....

Saturday, September 29, 2012

m rollin...

m rollin rollin rollin
homies callin waivin shoutin
bitches wantin wantin wantin
haterz watchin freakin runnin
m rollin rollin rollin

i take all liberties
kill u in yo panties
so many reasons 2 die
u fucked up all calamities

ma aura simply complicated
ma style clearly sophisticated
ma rhyming juggernaut hits hard
eva heard small words so weighted???

last time I hears haterz dey pleadin
cut demselves up its all bleedin 
fly run swim warp yoself
u cant hide ma range shootin

m a freak live in fear,
m a devil at once disappear,
I munch on flesh n blood
kids runaway wen m near

m rollin rollin rollin
homies callin waivin shoutin
bitches wantin wantin wantin
haterz watchin freakin runnin
m rollin rollin rollin

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I hate dis rap shit...

i neva wantd 2 do dis bt dis shit keeps me alive in ma hardest time I owe Pac, Biggie for stinging me with rap bug

I hate dis rap shit
bt I luv dis rap shit
m standin on ma feet
I owe dis rap shit

dis rap game aints fr kids
my magic hat is filld wid tricks
ma mansion walls made of
money nah aint made of bricks

well I aint still will kill
I rule all so y 2 kill?
I change more galz dan attire
screwin'em ma everyday drill

y work hard wen I got it relaxin
y smoke weed wen we luv drinkin
y go 2 a fuckin club wen I
can njoy in ma own club strippin

i aint no black I aint no white
m brown, yeah U geussd it rite
itz da nu color on da block
blow da doorz off wid all might

I hate dis rap shit
bt I luv dis rap shit
m standin on ma feet
I owe dis rap shit

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I am not a born criminal...part 3

his son neva saw his father
has strikin resemblance or mayb rather
was a mirror image of him juz
a bit more sharper n more faster
long time dey left da city
he neva knew his past,wat a pity
soon he realize sumthin missin
he silently left unda heavy ambiguity
people were shocked 2 see him in real
dey thought his father rose in real
he was told all he neva heard of
he met his father nemesis in real
he aimed n tried 2 kill his son
bt was killed by da boy wid his own gun
he told his family his destiny...
behold! rise of a gangsta wid risin sun

(father's name FAROKH,son's name JAMAL)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I am not a born criminal...part 2

he had guns,money yes he had power
family left all memories dat were sour
money started pourin in
juz like sand in da glass hour
he married a frnd from his childhood
was inspiration for many in across da hood
dis power game is not made for one
he made enemies ready 2 kill for their own good
His wife being fed up asked him 2 quit everything
wen a boy was born  n he didnt care for anything
he asked his followers to support him
bt some unhappy believed in evil for backstabbing
dey killd his best man wen he was asleep
he went for da funeral his sorrow was deep
his wife askd him not to go bt
he said he have 2 told her no need 2 worry n weep
at da funeral he announced his retirement
bt dey were waiting for him wid regiment
20 shots made clear he nvr see
da hospital n he died cold widout requirement
his wife his mother couldnt guess wat 2 do
bt dey knew deep in their heart God surely knew
dat it had 2 happen coz life he chose
his lawyer came n tel'em wat dey have 2 do

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I am not a born criminal...part 1

A criminal was killed just as he was on the verge of surrendering & turning into a better Human being but that turn his son into a ruthless goes on

He neva felt how hit by a bullet was like
they told him bt pain & glory r neva alike
he juz work 2 raise for his sis n mom
he only knew wats meeting demand was like
simply was out dere buyin juz in a store
but was shot twice it was all red n gore
those raiderz got nuthin bt a wounded
teen n police couldn't follow dem anymore
his family isolated nobody look 'em or came
reduced 2 borrowin nobody took dere name
he den came back killin n puttin himself
on da doard  most wanteds stayed did claim

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Leave n Retire

I dont feed on lie truth I admire
yes admire me coz m juz a satire
for da people who hate peace n
its time for devil 2 leave n retire

y u want me 2 do dat I dont want 2
I don wan 2 go thru whr u've been thru
ma life iz ma own, I prefer Him 2 control
me rather been a snitch of some devil in2
dis fuckin world I know since younger
yes I hear people cry 2 fear n hunger
see frm ma own eyez dere bleedin heart
alcohol has left nothin bt rotten liver
Naah! thought about it all da time
sleeping laughin eatin cryin hatin
juz wanted 2 ruin u like u've ruin me
bt wats bettr dan to assault u forgivin

I dont feed on lie truth I admire
yes admire me coz m juz a satire
for da people who hate peace n
its time for devil 2 leave n retire

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


i dont know y y'll standin alone
u share stories bt cant ur home
talent is somethin u learn 2 earn no
u cant download it like a ringtone

see its no ordinary street life m livin
ma attitude earned me which m cashin
ma senses worlkin overtime I know I'll
survive another nite 2 kill u maself rippin

I alwaz hated all dis rap n its shit
m anger bustin in rhyme dat I hit
i turn into spittin cobra when I see a mic
cover yo faces haterz coz m gonna spit

u cant relate u cant undastan
m tuff so ma back cant bend
an empty stomach neva hungry
if da bearer got some talent!

u cant relate u cant undastan
m tuff so ma back cant bend
an empty stomach neva hungry
if da bearer got some talent!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


ma childhood I spend it bathin blood
I can spot anythin from far dats coded red
my mind & heart act all at one time
never let d coolness get outta ma head

how come u thought u'll get away so easily
at d back u see ma stained blade layin lazily
I aint no cold blooded bt if ur death warrants
I can make a livin out of ya life intentionally

ma hood call me a no remorse stryker heartless
who juz know how to rip a body lukin effortless
dere nuthin more I do coz dats wat has kept me alive
ye motha fuckas m merciless m merciless m merciless

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tell n Take

I tol ma homie ya keep d car runin,
ma kilin s 4r a purpose m swearin
ya I tol ya m a man f peace bt
al u hear in d street s ma gun roarin,

u r alwaz unwelcome in ma hood
wid grenades n guns run if  u cud
I take revenge wid ma own style
coz m gonna tell n take ur lyf for gud

I won't kill u so easily like u think of
treat u like nazis treated if u heard of
snakes,spiders,scorpions be yo partners will
experiment with ya u never dreamed of

cross ma hood if u dare
I'll tell n take yo life here

Saturday, July 28, 2012


blood flowin dere y m I cryin here?
tears rollin here I hear shoutin dere,
people killin each oder fr nuthin,
cant we stop it n save our future???

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


right or wrong I'm stuck in dis ratio,
 m grown up now not playing mario,
 ma aim still visible to me no illusions
 you cant force me to call u gracio...

still this ratio been tingling ma brain,
m in fever ma powers near drain'd,
ma talent cant be wip'd out so simply
is da only thing help me flee this haven...

Saturday, July 14, 2012


m juz talkin 2 myself in mirror...

wat I can u will,
wat u can I still,
achieve with tryin ur best,
make sure I dont kill...

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hell yeah Its my birthday...
I am happy with a sad mood
ma sight remain steady on da hood
whre ar U bro?
come back...yes I did what I could...

Ma actions bizarre, my life still seems pointless
I am unpredictable still ur face clueless???
my skills keep me alive even if the world ends
we hope for da best in da midst of hopeless...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

AKA: Varun Singh Baghel R.I.P.

AKA: Varun Singh Baghel R.I.P.

Varun Singh Baghel R.I.P.

Sad News,
Can't believe myself but my very good friend Varun Singh Baghel expired today in the morning! He had a golden heart, was a very good friend & a good human being. May God bless his soul & family.
Rest In Peace.
Varun Singh Baghel You will always be in my heart....May you rest In Peace

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


M changin leagues, ma state shiftin 2 another zone,
M brain gone bizzare, I don't wanna be left alone,
y dis green thing pushin so hard, make me think,
guess power & money had made kings, lose throne...
hell, its greed dats killin inside all ya emotionz,
happiness flew away long time, devil is in notionz,
sadness is ur only friend, alwaz waiting 2 embrace,
thank Him for wat u have, sure show no negotiationz...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Animal Instinct

I think,u r olda enuff 2 luk upto
dats shame,if u r bein drag into
sum kinda shit,pity life full of atrocities
so animal instinct in,decency is m hang onto

blunder, u mak'em run thru dead promise
killd sovereignty,hail slavery to reprise
soon light makin me lite 2 fly in dark
fight u wid ma claws n fangs, go surprise ....'AKAf'

Monday, April 9, 2012


With time passin m gettin olda,
dont ridicule ma hair goin blanka,
I learnt 2 respect wat i achievd,
be urself no matter wat others told ya...


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Becoming great fan of UK music....certainly has a culture to it...but heart goes to rap...US

I'm gonna rap rap rap'
you really wanna clap clap clap'
hate ma attitude
homies pull out yo guns
let's go clack clack clack....